The Wisconsin .NET User Group was founded on February 12, 2002 at the launch of Visual Studio.NET. Our mission from inception has been to develop a peer group of developers, architects, and managers who are interested in learning, sharing and growing their Microsoft .NET knowledge and capabilities.
The Wisconsin .Net User Group's sole purpose is to bring technology experts and business professionals together who are interested in .NET technologies. We provide members a forum to hear local, regional, and top industry experts speak on technical presentations for professionals interested in learning more about full stack development with the entire spectrum of .NET technologies including ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, Blazor, Xamarin, IoT, Azure/AWS/other cloud services , Angular, React, VueJs, and other JavaScript client side frameworks.
Join the .NET community - It's FREE - It's FUN - It's a great way to learn more about .NET and the latest technology!
Jason Von Ruden
President WI .NET User Group